PZ Myers noticed something of "a strange phenomenon" (if you can still call social networking on the internet a strange phenomenon...) that began when Pharyngula readers in Boston organised a local pow-wow marked, of course, by squid. He thought (and I think) this is something worth propagating and so suggested we all get into it and start forming satellite Pharyngulite clubs all over the world.
Turns out there are lots of us here in the UK. As of 19:14 GMT on Sunday, the following had identified themselves in PZ's comment thread as habitating here:
Mark UK (Edinburgh)
- Jonathan (Sheffield)
- Didi (Norwich)
- Peter Mc (Whitby)
- mmghosh (Bristol)
- Don (Tynedale)
- Miss Prism (London)
- Marc (London)
- Maureen (Hebden Bridge)
- oh, and me, nunatak (London)
- You?
If you are in the UK and interested in meeting up please leave a comment here. If people want to spin off and form sub-groups that's fine by me, everyone's welcome to do their own thing of course!
So, I think all that's left to say is: go forth into the Comment thread, all ye UK Pharyngulites, and self-organise!
Great! Name a time and place, and I'll come along if I can make it.
I am out of town 27/2-10/3 so I suggest either 15 or 22 March in London. Or, if we want to be more inclusive maybe we could meet in Cambridge or even a rail hub like Doncaster.
I'm another UK Pharyngulite. I live in Cambridge but can get to London.
I am also a UK Pharyngulite! I am in Nottingham during term time, and Norwich during the uni holidays.
OK I used the wrong account just then.
Any Saturday is good for me...except the Easter weekend when I'm working
Hello from London. I'm Lucy, a PZ fan for a couple of years now.
Any time or place in Londo nwould be good. Count me in.
Hey. I'm from London too, and I'd like to hang out with the cool kids anytime.
Hi...West london Pharyngulite here..who posts as Monkey's Uncle. London, one weekend , very possible! Will try to make it if a definite date is made, but will keep in touch through here anyway..great idea nunatak!
Portsmouth based Pharyngula reader.... What was this about a giant squid private viewing?
Shall we say Saturday 15th March 7 p.m. in London, then - as the earliest we can all meet?
Name and address of pub please?
Hi all! I live in London so would welcome the opportunity to join up.
15th March sounds good so far.
I'm flexible, 15th of March sounds great to me.
I'll come on the 15th.
I could make the 15th of March. Anyone have ideas for a meeting place?
Okay everyone, I think we are settled on the 15th of March at 7pm. Over at Pharyngula's comments Dave Godfrey had suggested the Doric Arch just ouside of Euston station:
I've updated the top of this post accordingly and left a comment at Pharyngula.
If people are keen to have group tour of the NHM squid we'd need to do it during opening hours, either the afternoon before the pub or some other day, and I'd need to check with the curator in charge first.
Bother, I can't make it on the 15th, but I'll try to be at the next Pharyngulondoners' meeting.
(If anyone's going to the science blogging thing at the Regent Street Apple store tomorrow, maybe see you there though!)
a London lurker here. Love the idea; sadly I'm out of the country this weekend!
Next time, maybe!
Two things - could nunatak please sort out - sorry to dump it on you but you seem to be the most organised
1. Is the meeting happening, especially in view of the rugby?
I'm in London anyway on the day, so its no sweat for me!
2. Are we doing the NHM squid visit? I'm pretty keen so please let me know where and when
Will try really hard to be there. Big thank you for arranging!
Darn! Just found out about this... wont be able to make it this time. But let me know about future events. Have a good one!
Thanks mmghosh for alerting us (or maybe just me) to the rugby match, which indeed seems likely to disrupt even the quietest corner of every pub in England on the 15th of March. A quick web search reveals that England v. Ireland kick off at 3pm. Dare we hope that the buffoonery will be mostly over by 7pm? I am loathe to reschedule now that the word is out. Can someone suggest an alternative venue nearby to which we can escape if Doric Arch proves too loud/crowded?
Also a UK Pharyngulite, also a lurker, and alas also out of the country on the 15th.
Hi nunatak
We should still meet there, probably, seeing as it seems to be a reasonably central area.
As to the rugby, yeah, I guess the fireworks should be over by 7 pm, (especially since England are out of the running anyway...)
So we should be OK (I think and hope!) I'm sure another pub round the corner will be found.
Maybe you should post another reminder on the main blog?
And what about the NHM viewing? The rugby should have successfully emptied the NHM, hopefully.
Hello, another Pharyngulite here!
I'm based in Southampton, and I also have a few friends who follow Pharyngula!
I doubt we'll be able to make it up to London on the 15th, but hopefully at some point we'll be able to join in!
Have a pleasant evening.
I think the squid viewing at the NHM should be a follow-up event. I'm running out of time to put it together and would want to give curators more warning...
I should be able to make it as well at 7pm on Saturday.
OK thats cool
We meet at the pub at 7 then
Cheers all and thanks for taking the trouble to set this up!
(Identification - could you make a placard -discreetly naff...something like a pharyngula stage embryo...we need a flag!)
Hey, my name is Josh and I am a pharyngulite. I'm currently living and researching in Norwich.
I'm also a huge PZ fan and currently live & research in Liverpool. I plan on being in London those days, so I'll keep an eye open for post regarding a confirmed meeting place & time!
oooh shame I'm Going to Miss this one, already booked on Saturday. Next time though.
Another Pharyngula reader here. Unfortunately I'm on Cambridge the 15th... I am very interested on the squid follow up, though!
Could you bring a Beagle T-shirt for moi XXL please! How much do I bring?
I may well come along. I don't post that much at Pharyngula, but you might know me from T.O., EvoWiki or cotch.net.
Well, well, lucky me, I've come down with a cold that features a nasty, germ-spreading cough. I have a feeling that spending several hours shouting over rugby fans about atheism, evolution and whatnot is probably not going to speed my recovery. So, I'm going to have to pass. Urgh.
I look forward to hearing all about it here in comments after the hangovers dissipate.
Of course, this means someone else (mmghosh??) will have to print out the Pharyngula sign at the top of this post to facilitate rapid coalescence of Pharyngulites at the Doric Arch.
Also, I hope someone will bring their camera to document the event - I'd be very happy to post the photos on this blog after the fact.
Email to karen (at) thebeagleproject (dot) com
mmghosh, you can order a t-shirt here:
Oh no, you do have to be there
I have a special cure for things like cold bugs etc!
I'll see what I can do about the printout.
Hi everybody, I'm still hacking up greenish phlegm so... have a good time and send me pictures! karen (at) thebeagleproject (dot) com
"Maureen (Hebden Bridge)"????
Very small town. Very small world!
-- Richard Carter, FCD (Hebden Bridge)
...but where's this 'London' place you're all talking about?
I would like to attend too..
When is the enxt one planned?
I live in London and any weekend is good.
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